Monday 26 April 2010

Stalking-Does this include Facebook?

There are so many people all over the world that have joined the social networking site FACEBOOK. The reasons for joining Facebook are to re-connect with people that you've lost contact with, some join because everyone else has and therefore is a new trend. Some people might even join the site just to spy on people that they know.

I spy on people on Facebook all the time, finding out what they've been up, who they have been chilling with, seeing what friends we have in common and just looking at their pictures and judging as everyone does. It's just a little fun having a nose at people's profiles when you are bored and have nothing better to do, as this is what people on facebook do.

Some people on facebook however take it too far. Is looking at someones profile constantly classed as stalking? This is a question that is often asked by many users and non-users of facebook. I understand where the question is coming from because a lot of people who are random people that you don't know will add you. Some people even accept these random people just so that they will have more friends than everyone else. However, these random people will start to be-friend you and then when your sharing information on your profile they will see and therefore they might even follow you to the same destinations. However, if it's someone you actually know that you keep looking at on facebook, then it's not really classed as stalking to me because you know who they are you just want to find out what they've been up to. If they didn't want you to know they wouldn't post anything on their profiles, or block you from looking at their profile.

Many people get their friends to spy on people that aren't on their profiles any more like their ex-boyfriends and girlfriends to see what they are up to. This i think is where facebook can get a little bit weird.

I think that people should just have facebook to add their family and their friends to share their lives with them and to stay in contact with people that they know. Therefore people should only add who they know, as anyone on the Internet can pretend to be someone who they are not. -Go join IF you want to add people you know. Or log in if your already on facebook and delete the people that you don't know.

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