Thursday 6 May 2010

BYE!! :D

This Blog is now finished!! Yay...i hope you enjoyed reading my opinion, and i hope that it didn't offend anyone!!

Thanks for reading!! :D

What is known as bad behaviour?

The definition of 'bad' is 'not good'.
The definition of 'behaviour' is 'the action or reaction of something under specified circumstances'.

When thinking of 'bad behaviour' a lot of things come to mind i.e, Drinking, smoking, drug taking, verbal abuse, racism, masturbation, drink driving, and there is also other things.

There are many things that society classes as bad behaviour, and therefore people think that these aren't things that are acceptable. Like sex, some people think that it's a sin and some people think that sex is a natural thing. So how do we actually know what is bad behaviour and what isn't?

Some people do something, and then other people look at them and think this is wrong, this therefore is where bad behaviour comes from. People deciding on what they think is right and wrong, and therefore it's classed 'bad behaviour'.

So when YOU think of 'bad behaviour' have you done anything of these things? Cause i know i have!! :D

Response-EIGHT...Mani's Blog!!

This is a response to mani's blog...

I disagree with mani, as although some bandits like Robin Hood are doing it for the good, they still are classed as criminals and once caught should be punished. If they don't get caught then it's okay for them to help do good in the world by helping out poor people.

The definition of a bandit is a 'robber; outlaw'. Therefore this shows that bandits are something to be afraid of and therefore they should be arrested once caught.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Driving...and using a mobile phone at the same time!!

A couple of years ago driving whilst talking on the phone was merely seen as bad behaviour. However, now it's breaking the law!! If caught talking on the phone whilst driving without using a headset then you may either be banned from driving or be slapped with a fine. If it was me, I wouldn't talk on the phone whilst driving!

Driving is already taking up your concentration but having to change gears, work the clutch and the brake...steer the wheel as well as watching the road and any hazards. So why would you take up your concentration by having a full conversation with somebody? Well...there are lot of people who actually do this, therefore causing a lot of hazards and accidents with this kind of bad behaviour.

Taking phone calls whilst driving has always been a hazard. Sometimes you might have your phone in your handbag, and like me, some women like big handbags. So image driving down the road, and your phone rings. Your going to have to rummage through your belongings within you bag just to find your phone. Whilst this is happening, your concentration on your has gone. So when a car pulls out in front of you, and you don't realise you could die.

There are many adverts on the TV promoting not to using phones whilst driving. One of these adverts was a man driving home from work, and a housewife at home in her kitchen. She rings her husband knowing that he's probably driving home from work. The husband stupidly answers the phone whilst driving. Her husband tells her he'll be home soon, but she keeps taking to him. She then hears a screech and a crash, and calls out to her husband, she gets no reply. This is what can happen when talking on the phone. Can you seriously say that you want this to happen to you?
(the link to the advert)

If you want to avoid this, then don't EVER answer your phone whilst driving if you do not have a headset, or if you don't intend on putting it on load speaker.

Tuesday 4 May 2010


Tattoo's are very pretty, therefore I can understand why people want and get them. I actually want one myself. However, I know that I'll either back out, or I won't like it after I've had it done and then they'll be nothing that I can do. I reckon people should only have tattoo's if they are committed to what they are having, and therefore know they won't regret it.

Some people get drunk and get tattoo's done. This is a very stupid mistake, as you really don't know what you'll end up with. A guy could get a big love heart tattooed on his ass saying Bill or John! Just because they got drunk and done something stupid, they'll now have to live with it for the rest of their lives.

It's actually quite funny to see what some people end up with when they are drunk, cause it's funny for the people who don't have to see it everyday. Many people get tattoo's in very discreet places, and therefore they do not tell anyone they've got a tattoo. I know people with tattoo's and their parents don't know that they've got them. It's just as well, as their parents would KILL them.

Tattoo's can also become very addictive. I've been told by many people that once they've had their first tattoo they just keep going back for more because it looks nice and everyone has them. But if everyone has them then it's not very original is it? Some people just go into tattoo parlours and just choose what they want from the tattoo's that they have on the walls or in books. To me this is just UN-original. It doesn't mean anything specifically to you. It's just something that you've chosen off the wall. If you design your own tattoo, or get a date or someones name that is personal to you, then it's better as you'll keep that memory of that all of your life. If you just had a love heart just for the sake of having one, then it won't matter to you it's just something on your body.

Even though tattoo's are very pretty, and some people use them for sentimental values you have to look at the down sides to having a tattoo. First there's a safety issue. Some tattoo parlours aren't safe, and they won't clean or change the needles, and therefore there is a big risk of infection. Another thing is that the pain is horrible. If you don't like having injections, or your blood taken out then tattoo's are not for you! this website is a very good website which tells you all the risks of getting a tattoo. Therefore, if you want a tattoo but are unsure of the risks then this website will be helpful in making your mind up.

Then there are those people who go to the extremes, and have tattoo's covering their body from head to toe that you can even make out what their face or body looks like. I think these people go over the top, and it just doesn't look nice. A couple of tattoo's are okay but all over your body, it's too much, they wont mean anything and therefore they'll just become boring to you as well. Thats one of the reasons why people have so many tattoo's because they get bored of the ones that they've got and then therefore keep on getting more and more.

I my self would cross the line at one or two. There is no point in having soo many tattoo's all over your body as when you get old they are only going to wrinkle, therefore you won't even be able to see what the tattoo used to be.

Sunday 2 May 2010

Peer Pressure!!

Peer Pressure is a social pressure by members of one's peer group to take a certain action, adopt certain values, or otherwise conform in order to be accepted.

To me peer pressure can come off as positive or negative. The positive side of peer pressure is when your friends pressure you into becoming a better person, or help you strive to your personal goals, kind of like cheer leading. They are cheering you on. However, the bad side of peer pressure is when people pressure you to conform to their standards. These could be to pressure people into smoking, taking drugs, stealing and all the other things that means you would be breaking the law.

Sometimes peer pressure can get very violent, as sometimes people egg people on and therefore shows that it's very dangerous.
This is an article explaining how a man killed himself in a chat room on web cam as the people on the chat room wanted him to kill himself.

To me this is sick, peer pressure when it's negative can cause horrendous consequences. I think that people should just listen to what they think themselves, and should not listen to what other people have to say. As they should live their own lives the way they want to. If someone is pressuring you into doing some that you don't want to do...then walk away. Don't let peer pressure take over!!

Saturday 1 May 2010

Driving and Driving!!

Drinking and then Driving is illegal!! It's as simple as that...yet so many people carry on breaking the law. If the police caught someone drinking and driving, or driving over the limit of alcohol consumption, then their licence would get revoked. They would have to go to court, they'll also be banned from driving for as long as the judge wants them to be banned for, depending on their drinking offence. The consequences are very bad, yet everyone still decide to break the law and drink and drive. Also, passengers get into the cars of others knowingly that they are over the drinking limit to drive.

I think that unless you actually know that you aren't going to be driving home you shouldn't consume any alcohol. I think that if people want to go out on a night out, or are at family and friends houses and know they are going to drink alcohol, then they should have a designated driver or even a taxi's number.

Sometimes drinking and driving is very easy to get away with, as at night if you drive slow and there's no police around, you will most likely not get caught. Therefore this is why so many people take the risk and not only risk their lives, but they might have passengers in their cars, or they might get into an accident with another car, or even walkers by. Therefore it's always safer to be than sorry.

I would recommend that everyone should wear a seat belt as well during any driving. Even if you are driving slow, you can still get into an accident as anything is possible. Therefore one, you should drink and drive and two, you should at all times wear a seat belts. Even if your in the back of a three door car, and it's cramped at the back, there are seat belts there for a reason. And that is to protect you.

If you drive at two times the legal alcohol limit you are at least thirty times more likely to cause a road crash, than a driver who hasn't been drinking.

This website will help people with their options on what is the best way to avoid drink driving. So next time your considering to drink and drive, go onto this website and see the options it has for you.

Friday 30 April 2010

Response-SEVEN....Tia's Blog!

This is a response to Tia's Blog post about drugs.

This response to the lesson is very short, and although there isn't a lot of information it is true that alcohol isn't classed as a drug. This is because alcohol is legal and therefore you can buy it from the shops rather than in a dodgy alley way.

I think that although alcohol is very addictive it's not really as strong as taking some drugs like heroin.

I drink alcohol, but i don't drink like a fish, therefore if i had to stop drinking i could do it. I think that if i was to take drugs occasionally i wouldn't be able to stop because drugs give you more of a high feeling.

Teen Pregnancy!!

I was at work one weekend, and a 17 year old work colleague told everyone that she was pregnant with her boyfriend. She said that she had been trying for a while t get pregnant. When someone asked her why she wanted a kids so early, she replied so that i can move out of my parents house, and live in a council house with my boyfriend. During her pregnancy she continued the nasty habit of smoking which stints a baby's growth. When asked why she was still smoking she said so that the baby is small so that during labour she will not have to work hard to push the baby out.

Another story of teen pregnancy in which i know the person was a 13 year old high school girl. She dropped out of school to have her child, and become a single mother. Some of the stories that i heard from her friends about this young mother were really bad. One was that instead of using the money that the government provided her for child care i.e food and clothing for her son, she went out and spent the money on her self, buying herself some expensive shoes.

I dunno what other people think of these stories, but i think that they are really bad!! Some teenagers have kids and therefore they know that it was their own fault that they got pregnant and therefore look after their kids themselves, having the burden fall on themselves and not any other person. However, some teenagers have children, and then leave them with their parents to look after them. I strongly believe that a person should only consider having babies when they are ready to have them, i.e in a stable environment with a steady income coming into the household. There is no point in having a baby when you are not going to look after them, and especially when you are still a child yourself.

'A total of 41,325 women under 18 fell pregnant in 2008, down 3.9% from 42,988 in 2007'.
This although has gone down is still a large amount of teenage pregnancies within the UK.
This statistic was found on the BBC website.

I still strongly believe that if you want to get pregnant for the right reasons, i.e you love your partner and want to start a family with them by moving a step forward in your relationship then that is fine. However, if you want to get pregnant just so that you can live off the benefits then you need to get your priorities in check. If your having sex and you DON'T want to get pregnant, then use a condom, or go on the pill, it's as simple as that.

Wednesday 28 April 2010


Pornography are writings, photographs etc, that are intended to cause sexual excitement. Many people use porn as ways to help them masturbate; or they just watch it because to them it's enjoyable. Watching, making and buying porn isn't illegal as you can buy porn from video stores, or through the TV channels. Also the people that make porn aren't doing anything illegal as it's their career.

Porn is something that many people watch and they do not think that there is anything bad about it, as why would they? Porn helps with people's sex lives, it helps people get intimate with other people, as well as with themselves.

Porn now has also become very accessible. You can buy porn in sex shops, you can rent it in video stores, you can subscribe to TV-channels that show porn, you can watch it on YouTube, and you can even download it from the Internet. When it is so accessible, then it is understandable how people watch it.

In the UK the legal age to have sex is 16years old, but what is the legal age to watch pornography? I ask this because, as porn is accessible to everyone to watch then any person of any age can watch it. So this to me is bad. I think that porn is acceptable for people to watch, but i think there should be an age restriction on it. Fair enough there is an age restriction on the TV-channels, and parents can put a lock on the channel, also the video stores and sex shops ask for I.D and they do not let minors go into the stores, or the adult video section. However, when it comes to going onto or downloading porn anyone can do. This website shows many statistics of pornography.

It shows that 50% of men access porn on the Internet, as there are 42million porn sites world wide, which are viewed 72million times by visitors monthly. This shows that porn is accessible to everyone, and therefore this is why it's industry is growing.

To me it's okay to watch porn if you want to, but i personally wouldn't want to watch other people have sex, when i could be having it myself!!

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Shoplifting...when is it acceptable?

Shoplifting is one of those things that everyone must have done at least once during their lifetime. It could have been something little as to stealing some penny sweets from your corner shop, or accidentally walking out with something and being embarrassed to go back to the shop and return it. However, there are things like this which are something minor and small, and then there are those times when people are purposely trying to steal something.

Many people actually plan to shoplift and therefore one will shoplift the goods, and their friends will create a distraction for the shopkeeper to not see them stealing. Sometimes the reasons why they'll steal are genuine excuses like they have no money to survive from, or are living on the streets. These are genuine reasons why many people actually shoplift, and it's therefore up to the shopkeeper to decide whether or not to let them go or call the police.

However, there are also other reasons why people shoplift, and some of these are to do with peer pressure, and being a part of the gang. Some people like to shoplift because they think it's 'cool' to do so, and therefore they get a reputation within their group of friends as being 'cool' and being the one to look up to. This however, is no reason to steal as even if you start by stealing petty things, in the future the shoplifters might think that they'll get away with shoplifting more valuable and bigger items.

Some people like to shoplift because it gives them a rush, as some people like the idea of getting caught and therefore this makes them do stupid things. Some celebrities have been known to do this in the past, even though they have the money to buy whatever they want, and whenever they want, they choose to steal to get an adrenaline rush. This is because when you don't have the money to buy something that you really want you have to save, and when you do have the money it's boring just going into the shop and buying something.

These website shows some of the celebrities that have shoplifted in the past which includes Winona Ryder.

I think that under some circumstances shoplifting to me is acceptable, as if i was living on the streets and had no money to provide for my family then i would have to result to shoplifting. However, i think when people are just doing it to look good in front of their friends, or to get an adrenaline rush then they should stop, or get punished. That is just my honest opinion.

Monday 26 April 2010

Stalking-Does this include Facebook?

There are so many people all over the world that have joined the social networking site FACEBOOK. The reasons for joining Facebook are to re-connect with people that you've lost contact with, some join because everyone else has and therefore is a new trend. Some people might even join the site just to spy on people that they know.

I spy on people on Facebook all the time, finding out what they've been up, who they have been chilling with, seeing what friends we have in common and just looking at their pictures and judging as everyone does. It's just a little fun having a nose at people's profiles when you are bored and have nothing better to do, as this is what people on facebook do.

Some people on facebook however take it too far. Is looking at someones profile constantly classed as stalking? This is a question that is often asked by many users and non-users of facebook. I understand where the question is coming from because a lot of people who are random people that you don't know will add you. Some people even accept these random people just so that they will have more friends than everyone else. However, these random people will start to be-friend you and then when your sharing information on your profile they will see and therefore they might even follow you to the same destinations. However, if it's someone you actually know that you keep looking at on facebook, then it's not really classed as stalking to me because you know who they are you just want to find out what they've been up to. If they didn't want you to know they wouldn't post anything on their profiles, or block you from looking at their profile.

Many people get their friends to spy on people that aren't on their profiles any more like their ex-boyfriends and girlfriends to see what they are up to. This i think is where facebook can get a little bit weird.

I think that people should just have facebook to add their family and their friends to share their lives with them and to stay in contact with people that they know. Therefore people should only add who they know, as anyone on the Internet can pretend to be someone who they are not. -Go join IF you want to add people you know. Or log in if your already on facebook and delete the people that you don't know.

Sunday 25 April 2010


When you open many women magazines, especially Cosmo, it'll give you ways to pleasure yourself through the use of masturbation. So if the magazines are telling you ways in how to do it...then it must be okay to do right?

I think that masturbation is what ever you want it to be! Some people think it's a sin...and do not do it yet have sex which ultimately does the same thing that masturbation would do. Some people however masturbate because they want to experience pleasure at their finger tips.

I don't think that there is anything wrong with pleasuring yourself, as a person will know their own body more than any one else. So some seek pleasure on their owns terms...without having to meet someone else to do it for them. Therefore it's easy for them. However, i think that some people abuse the fact that they can pleasure themselves.

I think when in relationships when you are sexually active with another person masturbation is a big no. It's a big slap in the face if the partner found out that their partner is pleasuring themselves because they cannot pleasure them. I think that in times when people are lonely then they should feel free to it, as it's a natural thing.

In modern day society it has become apparent that more girls are starting to masturbate, although not as much as boys. However, boys are more open to talk about it, because there's a sense of pride to it, and also it's a part of them becoming a man within their social groups. Girls however are more quiet about masturbation because it's not an open topic that girls talk about. Women on the other hand might talk about it more freely to their friends, but girls at the ages of 15-16, which is the most common age for people to self-pleasure, are only starting to experience their sexuality for the first time and therefore become very shy.
This website is a very useful website, as it's reliable as it's a medical Internet website. The website explains all the things that people want to know about masturbation, yet will not ask others about. The website shows that 95% of men...and 89% of women have masturbated, which was shown through doing a national survey. Therefore masturbation is very common, and a natural thing which many people do. I just think that there a right and wrong situations in which you should and shouldn't 'Self-Pleasure'.

Saturday 24 April 2010

Cheating in School...being bad or being a child?

Every person during the period that they were in a school have probably cheated at least once. This is most likely because it's easier to cheat when you are younger, and there is less disciplinary actions that would be taken out.

When your a child it doesn't really matter if you cheat. The only lesson that you would get taught is that your not learning anything if your cheating. However, if i was to get caught cheating whilst doing my work at university, then i would be getting serious actions taking out. Most would be getting kicked off my course, or in some lighter cases my assignment would not be taken account for.

Therefore the question that I'm asking myself is...why is it acceptable to cheat as a child...but not when you are in higher education?

I have cheated in a test at primary school, it was the most easiest thing to do, and not only easy but it was on the most pointless thing that at the time mattered, and now looking back it's like...why did i need to cheat?

I think that it's not acceptable as when going into higher education you should know yourself why you are there. Which should be to learn. Therefore cheating in work will not help you learn. As when you start cheating continuously and then you go out in the real world by yourself the things that you haven't learnt during to your cheating might come up and then catch you out.

So it's okay when you are a child, because the younger that you are the more you will learn from your mistakes.

This website is very good, as it's explaining how and why children of certain ages cheat within schools.

Thursday 22 April 2010

Response-SIX....Voice in order

This is a response to the post about 'Masturbation'.

I agree with Herj Kaur, as to it being embarrassing to discuss especially in Asian cultures. Masturbation is definitely seen as a taboo. Even talking about sex with the older generation is pushing the line as well. Therefore the way in which i would have learnt about sex and masturbation is through the education system and through my friends. As talking with your friends is definitely more comfortable that speaking with your Asian mother.

However, as to her statement about everyone pleasuring themselves, i don't think this is true. Many people genuinely think of masturbation as a taboo, and therefore they do not 'play with themselves'. Or they would like to but don't know how...or think it's embarrassing. There are many reasons as to why people masturbate. Some people might do it because they want to remain virgins but still seek sexual pleasures. Others might do it because they cannot find themselves people to have sex with. Different reasons are for different people, if you want to masturbate...then go ahead...i just don't think it's something that many people talk about.


Drugs are something that become very addictive even from the first time that you start taking them. Many people take drugs because their friends do, so they try it themselves. Sometimes it involves a lot of peer pressure.

Drugs are very dangerous, even some prescription drugs can become dangerous when taking them. However, the drugs that i am talking about are illegal drugs like Ecstasy, cocaine, cannabis and heroin. These drugs are highly dangerous as they become addictive and have many effects to the mind and body. This website tells which kinds of drugs are the more serious ones.

Drugs are made illegal for a reason, but still people are taking them and breaking the laws to get a high or because of their addiction. Not only can drugs be dangerous to the mind and body of the person taking them but to other people to. Many drug addicts waste their whole life's money on drugs to feed their addiction, selling their possessions, borrowing money from people and some even result to stealing.

Many drug addicts even start to break the law further by resulting to crime. This is because they wants everything the easy way and therefore rob other people of their money and even their possessions just to sell them on for drug money.

I think that all drug users are losers who are wasting their lives. Their lives may have been shit and therefore this is the reason that they turned towards drugs, but there are so many ways in which people can get out of their bad lives without having to turn to drugs. The drugs dealers that are selling drugs to people are a bunch of low lives also. Most of them probably aren't even taking the drugs that they are selling because they are probably not even 100% drugs. Yet they sell these drugs knowing themselves the implications of taking them but only care about the money that they'll receive from selling them.

Even though drugs are illegal within the UK and taking, selling and holding drugs would result to legal action, people are still going to take drugs. As they are becoming easier and easier for people to get a hold of them. It might be okay in places like Amsterdam, but over here it's banned and should stay that way. As at the end of the day i don't want myself or any person that i know to become a drug addict.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

When should you stop with plastic surgery!!!

There are times when plastic surgery is acceptable, like when people have serious effects to their face or body like in a car crash. However, in some cases like Katie Price and Heidi Montag, these people cannot stop going under the knife. The end result in some cases are not pretty, as some people look worse off than they did before undergoing plastic surgery.

I think it's a bad thing to go 'under the knife' as God has made you the way that you are, and therefore people should stay the way that God intended them to. Cosmetic surgery to some people helps boost their self-esteem. Many people who undergo plastic surgery, which most seem to be women, want to feel good about themselves therefore undergo surgery so they'll look good which essentially makes them feel good. However, some people take it too far. I mean what price would you pay to look good? As not only does cosmetic surgery cost a lot, but the recovery period for some surgeries are long, also some procedures can go wrong and therefore look ridiculous.

I think that the most common form of plastic surgery is 'Boob Jobs' i.e breast enlargement. This has become a growing phenomenon, as when you open the back of women's magazines i.e 'Cosmopolitan' there are many advertisements advertising breast enlargement operations. One advert that caught my eye for breast enlargement surgery was from 'Transform Cosmetic Surgery Group'. The slogan for the advert says "I've just had my breasts done, but the biggest change you'll see is on my face". This again pulls upon the self-esteem side of plastic surgery. The advert also says in the right hand bottom corner of the page "Breast Enlargement from £89 per month". Therefore this shows that breast enlargement surgery is becoming more accessible and affordable for women to have. It's like paying off a phone or gas bill-very easy and simple for a procedure which will cause pain, and have an adjustable period to get used to.

This is a very good website showing the statistical data for plastic surgery. It clearly shows that Breast Surgery is the most popular, and has increased in numbers over the years.

So what do you think? When should you stop with plastic surgery?

Sunday 18 April 2010


As a Sikh, i think that Racism is very wrong! There are no excuses when it comes to Racism, as there are no right and wrong places for it. Racism can cause many problems within the world, society, communities, workplaces, basically everywhere. Maybe it was acceptable over 100 odd years ago for people to be racist against others especially by Caucasian racial division, but it definitely isn't in the 21st century.

Racism is something that can really hurt people, heck I've been a victim of racism a couple of times, and it does hurt when people say things, especially when it's not true. I've also been called names which have nothing to do with my race and religion, so it's like...what is the point? You might want to get your facts right before you start calling people racial things that have nothing to do with their religion and race.

Racism is unnecessary, if you have a problem with someones colour, race and religion then you are just causing trouble for yourself. As in modern day society racism can get anyone into trouble as it's apart of the law!!

This is a good website, telling about the Global issues of racism. It also shows a video in which explains where race has come from, and how it has evolved over the years!! Check it out!! :D

Tuesday 13 April 2010


I think that adultery is bad, if people wanted to sleep around then they shouldn't have got married in the first place. They should have stayed single if they wanted to sleep around. Adultery within a marriage is known as infidelity, it breaks up marriages, familes and friendships.

If adultery was a good thing, then everyone would be doing it, and no-one would get hurt. Also if it was good, then why is it mentioned in religious bibles that it's a sin and immoral. It's called Being Bad!!

Adultery is one thing that can break up a family easily. To have sex with someone else that isn't your partner (i.e-husband or wife) is definetly immoral. Fair enough it may not be easy for someone to do, it's still wrong. If it's hard to commit adultery for someone then there should be no reason to do it.

It is estimated that 30-60% of all married individuals will engage in infidelity at some point during their marriage. Research also shows that about 2-3% of all children are the product of infidelity, and most of these children are unknowingly raised by men who are not their biological fathers. Infidelity also is becoming more common among people under 30. These are just some of the statistical data that can be found about adultery on the following website:

Overall, i think that adultery is wrong, and it should be made against the law and punishable!!!!!

Sunday 11 April 2010

Verbal Abuse!!

Verbal abuse is a form of abusive behaviour involving the use of language. It is a form of profanity (a word, expression, gesture, or other social behaviour which is socially constructed or interpreted as insulting, rude, vulgar, desecrating, or showing disrespect.) While oral communication is the most common for of verbal abuse, it includes abusive words in written form.

Verbal abuse is used everywhere, within the home, between sibling rivalry, within the workplace, friends, everywhere. Normally people use verbal abuse as a way to protect themselves without having to use violence, therefore this is a good way to express anger. However, verbal abuse can also be as painful as physical violence. Some people take verbal abuse very seriously there have been many suicides over verbal abuse, some of these cases are teenagers.

The web link above contains a good piece on verbal abuse, basically stating what it is, and what effects it has on people who have experienced verbal abuse. Including behavioural, physical and emotional effects to people.

As verbal abuse has been around for such a long time, the phrase 'Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" has been coined.

To me verbal abuse isn't needed, it makes people feel bad about themselves, and makes the person who is dishing out the verbal abuse look cool because they can 'cuss' a person.

Sunday 21 March 2010

Response-FIVE....Blog Of Five Colours!

In response to Sabrinas Blog Of Five Colours, about the film kids, I have to say that i agree with her point of view saying that the film is still relevant in modern day society. As even on the T.V now things like Skins, Adulthood and Kidadulthood have the same kind of story lines with Drugs, Underage Drinking, Sex and Rape. These all are very serious matters and many within the film may seem exaggerated just like Sabrina said in her blog, however the majority of them are very true and some youngsters do the things that the film brought up. Some even do more, and get away with it.

Wednesday 17 March 2010


I think that Prostitution has two different ways of thinking about it.

There's the negative way of thinking about it, and there's the way of thinking about it in the sense that people have to do it.

The negative side to prostitution is of course the trouble that people can get into and the serious amount of danger a person can put themselves through. In some countries such as America Prostitution is illegal, and therefore if someone is caught pimping their body out, or if there's a person by paying for sexual relations it can lead to jail.

Sometimes some prostitutes become prostitutes to feed their drug and alcohol habits, which is therefore another aspect of being bad. Therefore this shows that prostitution is a bad thing.

However, under some circumstances i think that prostitution is allowed. This is only when a person is very desperate, and only to support their family not to support their drug addiction.

This is only my opinion, and to some other people prostitution is seen as a very bad thing, and it's morally wrong.

This website is an organisation that is against prostitution, who are also trying to stop it.
'Imagine a world where women and girls are not for sale...Now let's make it real. We are a coalition of UK feminist individuals and groups who believe that prostitution is violence against women.'
I think that what this website is trying to achive is a very good example to set to everyone throughout the world.

If you were in a situation where you are that desperate to go to something such as pimping out your own body, then you must be in a very bad place in your life. So put yourself's in their shoes and think what you would do differently.

(8)So what would you do if your son was at home,

Cryin' all alone on the bedroom floor,

Cause he's hungry, and the only way to feed him,

Is to, sleep with a man for a little bit of money,

And his daddys gone, somewhere smoking rock now in and out of lock-down,

I aint got a job now, so for you this is just a good time but for me this is what

i call life....hmmm....(8)-

What Would You Do Song Lyrics......By City High!

Monday 8 March 2010

Response-FOUR....Perfect Perpetual Passion

This is my response to the blog...Perfect Perpetual Passion, in response to...our lecture on Being Bag Cinema, and the film kids!!

I agree with this blogger here when she's saying that the target audience for this film are the parents of the teenagers who actually DO go out and experience the things within this film. Within the film, there's sex, drugs, smoking, rape, fighting, underage drinking, binge drinking.....and the list goes on.

The way in which the film is portrayed is showing what these 'kids' get up to in 24hours. As the film is showing the experience of these people in 24hour hours, it's giving parents an insight into some of the things that could happen to their own children. So if parents knew what their kids were up to, then they would help to try and prevent some of the things that are happening, or might happen.

Saturday 6 March 2010

Response-THREE.......Chloe's Blog!!

This is a response to chloe's blog, on the topic of lying with intergrity.

This is my opinion on her blog...see what you think!! :D

I think what Chloe is saying is true, in some cases lying is needed, especially with children. If when i was a child and parents didn't lie to me about the fun little things like Santa and the Tooth fairy, my childhood would have been very boring. Therefore 'White Lies' are sometimes needed.

Other times that 'White Lies' in which i think that they are needed are when your friends and family ask you something like, 'Don't you just love this top that i just bought'. These lies are needed as you really don't want to hurt your friends feelings. Therefore sometimes 'White Lies' are needed!!!

BUT.....that's just my opinion!! :D

Friday 5 March 2010 it a sin?

Is sex a sin?

I don't think it is.

Sex allows people to have kids, and therefore without it the population would not be able to grow. Therefore if God didn't want us to have sex then why would this be the way to make babies?

Sex for some people gives them pleasure, and therefore they want sex all the time. Is this classed as a sin? I don't really think it is, as people sex lives are private to them. Some people are virgins and keep it to themselves, and some people just LOVE to have sex, but don't feel the need to tell the world.
To have sex isn't really a sin when you think about it, as it provides a way to have children. For a woman sex provides her a child, and therefore this is the reason why they want sex. However, some women are like guys, they want sex because of the pleasure.
However, i think that within Society, sex isn't forbidden, unless it's done outside a marriage. Many cultures believe sex before marriage is a sin. I don't think it's a sin, but more of a lifestyle choice. I myself do not believe in sex before marriage for myself. However, many of my friends feel it's okay to have sex before marriage. For me i'm not saying that my friends are wrong, i think they should choose what kind of lifestyle they want to live.
Sex is the most natural thing in the world, and therefore i do no believe it's a sin. People themselves should choose whether it's a sin or not when making the decision to have sex, within or before a marriage.
This website explains that sex is a sin and the reasons why.
"Sex pervades our modern culture. Some consider it a 'forbidden fruit', while others seek to experience it in all it's forms. But what does it mean to a Christian-and what part should it play in your life?"
This is the question that this article is trying to answer within the article!!
Read it, and let me know what you think, and whether or not YOU can change my mind on thinking that 'Sex is NOT a Sin'.
Thanks!! :D

Response-TWO....Donna Court's Blog!!

This is a response to another blog. This time i do not agree with what this person is saying!!

See if you disagree or agree!!

Donna seems to think that prostitution is not moral. However in some circumstances it doesn't matter whether its immoral or not. I think that it's not immoral when people need the money, and have no other options. To turn to something like prostitution a person must be very desperate and in need of the money.

Some prostitutes earn more money than any avergae minimum-wage job. Therefore maybe some people want to earn a lot of money, and with no skills what other options do they really have?

Now i'm not saying that Prostitution is right i think that a person should have the right to use their body how they want to. Some people may want to sell their body for sex as they enjoy having sex with different partners, maybe it's just that they like the pay. But either way, it's their choice and they should do whatever they wish.

So what do you think? Is it immoral...or is it moral for someone to become a prostitute!!!!