Wednesday 5 May 2010

Driving...and using a mobile phone at the same time!!

A couple of years ago driving whilst talking on the phone was merely seen as bad behaviour. However, now it's breaking the law!! If caught talking on the phone whilst driving without using a headset then you may either be banned from driving or be slapped with a fine. If it was me, I wouldn't talk on the phone whilst driving!

Driving is already taking up your concentration but having to change gears, work the clutch and the brake...steer the wheel as well as watching the road and any hazards. So why would you take up your concentration by having a full conversation with somebody? Well...there are lot of people who actually do this, therefore causing a lot of hazards and accidents with this kind of bad behaviour.

Taking phone calls whilst driving has always been a hazard. Sometimes you might have your phone in your handbag, and like me, some women like big handbags. So image driving down the road, and your phone rings. Your going to have to rummage through your belongings within you bag just to find your phone. Whilst this is happening, your concentration on your has gone. So when a car pulls out in front of you, and you don't realise you could die.

There are many adverts on the TV promoting not to using phones whilst driving. One of these adverts was a man driving home from work, and a housewife at home in her kitchen. She rings her husband knowing that he's probably driving home from work. The husband stupidly answers the phone whilst driving. Her husband tells her he'll be home soon, but she keeps taking to him. She then hears a screech and a crash, and calls out to her husband, she gets no reply. This is what can happen when talking on the phone. Can you seriously say that you want this to happen to you?
(the link to the advert)

If you want to avoid this, then don't EVER answer your phone whilst driving if you do not have a headset, or if you don't intend on putting it on load speaker.

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