Friday 30 April 2010

Teen Pregnancy!!

I was at work one weekend, and a 17 year old work colleague told everyone that she was pregnant with her boyfriend. She said that she had been trying for a while t get pregnant. When someone asked her why she wanted a kids so early, she replied so that i can move out of my parents house, and live in a council house with my boyfriend. During her pregnancy she continued the nasty habit of smoking which stints a baby's growth. When asked why she was still smoking she said so that the baby is small so that during labour she will not have to work hard to push the baby out.

Another story of teen pregnancy in which i know the person was a 13 year old high school girl. She dropped out of school to have her child, and become a single mother. Some of the stories that i heard from her friends about this young mother were really bad. One was that instead of using the money that the government provided her for child care i.e food and clothing for her son, she went out and spent the money on her self, buying herself some expensive shoes.

I dunno what other people think of these stories, but i think that they are really bad!! Some teenagers have kids and therefore they know that it was their own fault that they got pregnant and therefore look after their kids themselves, having the burden fall on themselves and not any other person. However, some teenagers have children, and then leave them with their parents to look after them. I strongly believe that a person should only consider having babies when they are ready to have them, i.e in a stable environment with a steady income coming into the household. There is no point in having a baby when you are not going to look after them, and especially when you are still a child yourself.

'A total of 41,325 women under 18 fell pregnant in 2008, down 3.9% from 42,988 in 2007'.
This although has gone down is still a large amount of teenage pregnancies within the UK.
This statistic was found on the BBC website.

I still strongly believe that if you want to get pregnant for the right reasons, i.e you love your partner and want to start a family with them by moving a step forward in your relationship then that is fine. However, if you want to get pregnant just so that you can live off the benefits then you need to get your priorities in check. If your having sex and you DON'T want to get pregnant, then use a condom, or go on the pill, it's as simple as that.

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