Monday 1 March 2010


"Obama Health Good but Struggles with Smoking"

What a GREAT example, even the President of the United States can't stop having a cheeky fag. Although in the article above it says he's trying to quit smoking it's adamant that any long term smoker is bound to find it difficult when trying to give up smoking.
I find the idea of smoking repulsive, it's a horrible smelly and disgusting habit that turns people's insides rotten and also helps stain their hands and teeth. Who in their right mind would want to smoke? World wide around 1.35BILLION people smoke, and as the world population in 2009 stood at 6.8BILLION people, this means that 20% of the population smokes.

This is a very good website for some facts and statistics on smoking.....

Smoking is not only digusting, but it can cause DEATH. Yes even though that 5 lettered word is closely linked to smoking, smokers still do not get the message. Even on the carton of cigarettes it clearly states 'smoking kills' so why smoke? It would probably take a serious health scare for people to even consider cutting down on smoking or packing it in all together. This i really do not understand as there are SO many ways to STOP SMOKING, and there are SO many support groups that people can join, yet people still 'SPARK UP'.

Not only is smoking BAD for people's's also BAD for their bank balance. If you quit smoking and saved the money that you would normally spend on buying your cigarettes do you realise how much money you would save? You would probably save enough money to buy a SEXY sports car, a new home for you and your family where you would actually enjoy it without the fear of dropping dead after having a smoke.

If i was a smoker, which THANK GOD i'm not, i would give myself a BIG SLAP so that it would make me realise what a FOOL i am for wasting my money and destroying my health on 'FAGS'.

I just don't get it.....why do people smoke? If it's to kill yourself won't it be easier just to jump off a building, or get hit by a bus? At least it wouldn't be slow and painful!!!

I hope that enlighted you on my opinion of smoking....IT'S BEING VERY BAD!!!!!!

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