Thursday 4 March 2010

Is Carrying A Knife As Bad As Using A Knife?

If you carried a knife and did not use it on someone is this 'Being Bad'?

Is being able to carry a knife, mean that your able to use it?
Or is it just to gain street cred?

Knife crime is rising in numbers, many people carry knifes and many people are the victims of knife crime.

This is a website that says NO TO KNIVES!!

"These are just some of the facts. Knife crime affects everyone, no matter who you are. Do not think, just because you are a girl, or your over 30 that you will be excused from it."-this is very true, as anyone can become a victim of Knife Crime!

To carry a knife gives a person temptation to use the knife, as if they were to get themselves into a fight they would have a weapon to defend themselves. Some people just carry knifes as part of gangs earning themselves what they call 'street-cred', as they think to carry a knife they become cool, and they have a lot of power and strength within their gangs.

But how does a knife give you strength and power? If you need to use a knife to defend yourself then you do not have any strength as the person using the knife will be seen as weak. To have strength is physical, and to have power is to have confidence in the ability to control other things around you. How is carrying a knife giving you power? If you were to get caught with a knife then you would get arrested and be given a sentence. 'Back in the day' a knife was nothing and you did not get arressted for it, however, in modern day society carrying a knife is a serious offence.

So is carrying a knife as bad as using a knife i ask you.....

I think it's the same as using a knife, because either way you will be getting a bollocking from the police, and get slammed into a cell. As they say 'if you can't do the time....then don't do the crime'.

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